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Cold puns in 2024

There is nothing as bad as being alone and too cold.
You become totally ice-olated and cut off.

I glove you

How cold is it? I would say it’s so cold that you can only make chilly dogs.

I saw a slow skier earlier in the snow;
– I guess you could say a slope-poke.

Do birds know when it’s cold and they have to head south for winter, or do they just wing it every time?

When it became cold outside, we decided to chill in the store and have some coffee.

Nobody could get a job at the ice-rink during winter,
– because the senior management had put a hiring freeze.

When it gets really cold here, everyone rushes into their homes.
It’s snow funny laughing matter.

How do you search Google on freezing cold days?
– With the winter-net.

Eskimos love keeping cows outside in the cold and snow. They call them eskimoos.

The only way to keep the snow from giving you cold feet is by ensuring you don’t go around brrfooted.

It was so cold we went skiing instead of swimming, you could say we were mis-sled.

Just-ice is a dish best served cold. If it were warm,
– it would just be water.

When you walk through the winter months with your eyes closed,
– the only thing you can catch is a cold.

Snowmen have a special name they call their offspring.
They refer to them as chill-dren.

It was mitten in the stars

It’s so cold I had to use my supermarket loyalty card to get the ice off my car. It only got 10% off.

It’s Snow White.
– Can’t say fairer than that.

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