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Cold puns in 2025

Why do bees prefer to stay in their hives in winter?
– ‘Swarm.

When the sun shines while it is still cold and snowing, be on the look out for snowbows.

In summer, the local musicians love to keep their trumpets in freezers
– because people enjoy cool music.

When someone wishes me a happy winter,
– it always leaves me cold.

What do you call kids when they’re out ice skating?
– You can call them chill-dren.

The reason he got cold feet is because he slept with his legs in a basket of ice.

We’re season the day!

It was so cold Jack Frost changed his name to Jack Froze.

The weather forecast was for cold rain, and sure enough,
– it was an ice day.

The bride refused to get married in an igloo; she got cold feet.

Imagine they said they don’t enjoy my cold puns. That was not just insensitive but cold as well.

Raise the brr

When we arrived at the ice-rink, the ruts were clearly visible. The maintenance crew there must be slipping up on its job.

At work they said they don’t appreciate my funny cold puns. That was not just insensitive but really cold as well.

Which kind of hats are so cold they are always frozen?
– Ice caps.

I saw a snowman with a dog; it was a slush puppy.

It was getting cold and we had to part ways. “Ice to meet you, it’s been a wonderful time.” He said to me.

It’s so cold; we didn’t clean the house, we just defrosted it.

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