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Cold puns in 2025

When are your eyes, not your eyes?
– When the cold weather makes them water

If I have an ice house and for some reason it falls apart, Igloo it back together.

Frosty the snowman divorced his wife because he thought she was a flake.

It’s so cold today, I would like you to know this cold weather is snow much fun.

My favorite meal in cold weather is brrr-eakfast

I want to tell you an excellent ice pun,
– but the problem is that it’s just slipped my mind.

When you cross a vampire and a snowman, you get a frost bite.

Don’t coat me on that!

It’s so cold in winter, the Police told a robber to freeze, and he really did.

I’m such a rebel;
– I eat spring rolls during the cold winter months.

What do you call a famous zoo where all the giraffes have colds in winter?
– Giraffe Sick Park.

There is nothing as enjoyable as taking cold candy on a snow cup.

When ordering a birthday cake in winter, there is no need to ask for extra thick icing.

Taking a walk on an icy lake is snow problem,
– the thing is you have to brave the cold weather.

What do you call an arctic ice-cold spell at the end of the year?
– Decem-brr!

After he slipped and fell on the ice, the man didn’t say a word. He gave everyone the cold shoulder.

The only was to scare snowmen in the winter cold is to get them a hairdryer.

It’s so cold you have to open the fridge to heat the house.

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