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Cold puns in 2025

It was just one dollar to enter the ice rink,
– what a cheapskate.

Why did Dracula take cold medicine in winter?
– To stop his coffin.

Th cold weather always comes towards the end of the year weather you like it or not.

Winter is un-brr-lieveable!

It’s so cold here but I love it, there’s snow place like home.

I lost my job at the weather station. People gave me the cold shoulder;
– they were too chill for me.

Everyone was amazed when they saw the boy heading into the ice cream store, he was covering himself with an umbrella.
– They later realized that he had been informed they were going to be sprinkles.

Why do bees prefer to stay in their hives in winter?
– ‘Swarm.

When the sun shines while it is still cold and snowing, be on the look out for snowbows.

Knock! Knock!

Who’s there?


Freeze who?

Freeze a jolly good fellow! Freeze a jolly good fellow!

When I told them, I have a nasty cold, they started laughing at me. I retorted, “It’s snot funny.”

What do you call a friendly ghost on a very cold night?
– Casp-burr.

The reason he got cold feet is because he slept with his legs in a basket of ice.

We’re season the day!

In summer, the local musicians love to keep their trumpets in freezers
– because people enjoy cool music.

When someone wishes me a happy winter,
– it always leaves me cold.

What do you call kids when they’re out ice skating?
– You can call them chill-dren.

Imagine they said they don’t enjoy my cold puns. That was not just insensitive but cold as well.

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