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Color puns in 2024

I recently ran a charity marathon to promote greener earth, but the run left me a little jaded.

Have you ever seen a red toad? They turn that color when they eat red mushrooms.
If you don’t believe me, just go check some toadstool.

My favorite denim blue jeans just turned brown. I think I will have to call it Dung-arees!

The hardware store just told me they didn’t have any intermediate paint colors between green and violet.
– That was out of the blue.

I ate some food coloring the other day and didn’t feel well. I went to the doctor but he told me I was fine.
I still feel like I dyed on the inside.

I don’t trust artists
– They’re always so sketchy

The patient was shocked when the doctor informed him that he had been diagnosed with depression. It came out of the blue!

The coffee shop owner was afraid. He wanted to know if the shop had ground to operate in the black.

The next-door neighbor’s avid gardening weakened the soil around the house and ultimately brought the house brown.

What do you call a crimson-colored fish wearing a hat?
– A red herring…the hat was also a red herring.

Once, by mistake, I ate a lot of food coloring. The doctor assured me that I was fine, but deep inside, I knew I was dyeing.

I was watching a movie when the screen started to emit blue light. Guess this is one of the cons of watching movies on Blue Ray.

I could have sworn that my skin had changed color
– But it was just a pigment of my imagination

Why did the purple family have to move out?
– They were plum too loud, excessively violet with one another, and were fuschiatives of the law.

Do black and white count as colors?
– It’s a gray area.

When the time came, he betrayed our team and showed his blue colors.

What is a cats favorite color?
– Purrple

I had never seen a horse that white. Perhaps, that is why it is called a mayo-neighs.

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