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Color puns in 2024

My least favorite color is purple
I hate it more than blue and red combined

Did you hear about the artist that has been drawing very small, colorful noodles?
– He drew an itsy, bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow, polka dot linguini

The graphic designer’s present company gave her a substantial raise while a rival company also gave a similar offer. I am now caught in hue minds!

My doctor just told me that i was color blind
– that came completely out of the orange

Did you hear about the chameleon who couldn’t change color?
– He had a reptile dysfunction

When the genius physicist put coffee in a black hole, he invented hyper-dark space!

If you live in a purple-colored house and suddenly all the power goes off, then you should probably check the fuchsia box.

What is wrong with a chameleon that can’t change colors?
He has reptile dysfunction.
I’ll see myself out…

My Asian neighbor owns a T-shirt company where he colors white shirts. I think it’s a Thai Dye T-shirt company.

The meanest way to insult a sad American cheese is to call it a blue cheese!

What’s Helen Keller’s favorite color?
– Corduroy.

I need help with a pun for “maroon”
My team color is maroon and we need a team name! Color puns are desired

I had a dream that I invented a new color
– But when I woke up I realized it was just a pigment of my imagination.

Java programming was sad and melancholy. Whenever you have to use it, you have to open it via BlueJay.

Did you hear about the color bomb?
– Yeah it blue up.

There was a boxing competition among the flowers in the garden. Black-eyed Susan got knocked out in the very first round.

While the blues musician performed his most famous song, balloons of every color were released in the arena. Guess we may get to call it the ‘House of Hues’.

Whenever my artistic girlfriend is sad, I let her draw things on my body….
I gave her a shoulder to crayon.

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