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Corn puns in 2025

Farmers make really terrible comedians. Their jokes are totally corny.

After an eating competition, what would the
corn say? – “ It is utter corn-age.”

You should not take corns when travelling on a flight because they will make your ears pop.

I complemented some corn the other day.
It smiled from ear to ear.

The corncob stops talking because he is tired of field-ing too many questions.

I took the grain to the granary and the corn to the coronary.

What does corn have in common with good friends? You know you’ll see them again

What did the mama corn say to her plump son?
You are not fat. You are just a little husky.

Most of the corn farmers and growers are conservative simply because they support republic-corns.

Did you know corn has a favourite food? It loves cobb salad.

Corn uses “Corn Bread” for money.

What do we call two cornstalks which are best friends? – They are earbuds!

1,200 candy corns will kill you!
Don’t worry the world record is three!

It is no surprise that the corncob gets lost because she lives in a large maze.

The corn was worried he had a cough, his voice was getting a little bit husky.

just witnessed a chicken try and pick up a piece of corn for 5 minutes, ImPeck-able

In the corn maze, I felt like I was being stalked. It was earie.

The corn will graduate from college tomorrow. We should attend the ceremony and corn-gratulate him!

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