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Corn puns in 2025

I had a joke about what happens to corn in the digestive system. But it’s recycled.

The quickest way for corn farmers to be successful is to corn-er the market.

What is the favourite game of the corncob? – It is b-husk-etball.

What’s the difference between a chickpea and an ear of corn? I’ve never paid $20 to have an ear of corn on my face

I am so corny tonight.

These corn puns will shuck and a-maize you.

If corn oils are made from corn, so from which do baby oils made?

The only vegetable that’s also a nut is a corn.

The nurse was eating a corn
The physician was eating a comd

Many people claim that it is hard to chew popcorn. There is a kernel of truth to that claim.

Why did the corn cross the road ? Because it
was being stalked.

What do we call a solitary and single kernel of corn? – It is a unicorn!

The corn is definitely a playboy because he can be very a-maize-ing in bed.

Why did the manager fire the corn?
Cause he was sleeping on the cob!

Did you know there’s an app for corn growers?
It’s made in Sili-corn Valley!

Should you eat corn that has fallen off the stalk?
Maize well!

The corn police receive many complaints from local people that somebody is trying to stalk them.

This corn is pretty rough to touch. It looks like a
job for Kernel Sanders.

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