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Cow puns in 2025

Steer clear! Cows coming through!

Where does a cow stay when it is on vacation?
-A moo-tel!

What did the cow say to the other cow on the hill?
-I’m udder-neath you.

What sound do you hear when you drop a bomb on a cow?

I have some real beef with that guy.

Why are cows always broke?
-Someone’s always milking them dry.

You call that felling a deja vu and cows always say moo so I replaced vu with moo

What do you call it when a cow jumps over a barbed wire fence?
– Udder-Catastrophe

Have you ever wondered why female domesticated animals kept for milk were given hooves instead of being given feet?
-It is because they lactose.

Where do cows eat lunch?
-In the calfeteria.

 If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo.

What did the farmer say when his cow wouldn’t produce milk?
-This is udderly problematic!

Americow can do better.

What did the farmer say when his cow wouldn’t produce milk?
-This is udderly problematic!

The steaks are high.

How does a cow avoid acting rashly?
-She takes stock of the situation first.

Cows can’t talk, that’s why it’s funny

Where do you find the most cows?

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