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Cowboy puns in 2025

What do ghost cowboys wear?
– Boooots

What do you call a happy cowboy?
– A jolly rancher

A cowboy costume
Is the best ranch dressing

What do you call an impotent cowboy?
– Hopalong Flaccidy.

Like a grind stone cowboy!

Why did the cowboy adppt a dachshund?
– Someone told him to ‘Get alonnnnng little doggy.’

How can you tell when Clarabelle Cow is sad?
– She gets MOO-dy!

What happens when you die and come back as a cowboy?
– Reintarnation

How do two German cowboy car enthusiasts greet each other?
– Audi, partner.

Why did cowboys ride horses?
– It be-hooved them.

The cowboy that got fired from his ranch job wasn’t crazy.
– He was deranged.

If it’s dark outside, how does a cowboy find his way?
– With Saddle-Lights!

A farmer brought a bucket of milk to church so it could be pastorized.

How do you say hi to a chinese cowboy?
– Nihowdy

If you wear cowboy clothes …
are you ranch dressing?

If a cowboy is happy,
Does that make him a Jollyrancher?

I don’t know what to tell you, guy. The invoice says 312 Maple, this is 312 Maple. So, here ya go. Please sign by the “X”.
Birth of a Rhinestone Cowboy

What happens when you put a cowboy hat on an Audi?
– It becomes a Haudi

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