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Cowboy puns in 2024

What did the jealous bowler hat say to the cowboy hat?
– I’m brimming with disdain for you

I’m lookin for the man
– Who shot my paw

If I die and come back as a cowboy…
It would be reintarnation

What did the cowboy say about the missing cattle?
– “I herd they mooved”

Why did the cowboy adopt a dachshund?
– To get a long little doggie

My brother, who’s a cowboy, always sits on the stove when he visits us.
He says that it makes him feel more at home… on the range.

The cowboy dismounted on the spur of the moment to stirrup some trouble, bridled at being arrested and saddled the sheriff with a bit of a problem.

The other day a cowboy stopped by our house and asked my Dad if he could help him round up 18 cows.
“Sure thing, pardner. That’s 20 cows,” says Dad.

Why did the cowboy adopt a dachshund?
– Someone told him to “get along little doggie”

What did the cowboy say at his second rodeo?
– This ain’t my first rodeo.

Cowboy goes in to a hotel and says a single room and a wardrobe for my horse. Your horse sir the manager replied!
Yes my horse is a Mustang and it mustang somewhere!

The cowboy reached for his gun and then drew a blank.

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