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Crab puns in 2025

Why don’t crabs give any gifts on birthdays?
– Because crabs are very shellfish.

Did you hear about the crab that went to the gym?
– He pulled a mussel!

How does a crab go when it’s right?
– Snap!

The crab is telling jokes, but nobody laughs because they are all crabby jokes!”.

The crab with irritable bowel syndrome nests under bakeries because it is probably the simplest place to pinch a loaf.

What type of helmet does a solitary crab use?
– A shell-met.

What would a crab do with a smartphone?
– Take lots of shellfies!

I think you’re clawsome!

A great crab pun can be very hard to crack.

Thank you for inviting me to the dinner. Your crab dishes are just clawsome!

Jokes are told by a crab, but no one giggles because all of them are crabby.

What do crabs need to stay healthy?
– Vitamin Sea!

Please crab me a glass of water!

Which game do crabs hate the most?
– Rock, paper, scissors. You must already know the reason!

Yesterday I had a battle with a crab.-When I punched the crab he fled, goon.

What do you call a crab in self-isolation?
– A hermit crab!

Why did the crab cross the road?
– To get to the other tide!

A great bit of advice from a hermit crab: “It’s ok to come out of your shell and think outside the box!”

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