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Crab puns in 2025

Don’t bother me today, I’m feeling a little bit crabby!

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Do you know the crab pub in the downtown?
– It only offers one drink in the menu. It is “Claw du Bois.”

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How do crabs elude taxes?
– They arrange shell companies.

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If a crab is broke where can it run to take some money with the intention of returning it?
– A prawn broker.

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Who brings Christmas presents to young crabs?
– Santa Claws!

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What does a lobster say when he’s confused?
– Can you please be more pacific?!

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Here is a few sentences in the famous song written by a crab musician:Here is a few sentences in the famous song written by a crab musician:
– “Here’s a little song I wrote
– You might want to sing it note for note
– Don’t worry, be crabby”

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Do you know why carbs often have obesity?
– Because they consume a lot of crab – hohydrate.

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I am warm-heartedly grateful for asking me for dinner. The crab dishes that you made are just clawsome.

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How to crabs call their friends?
– On a shell phone!

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The truth shell set you free!

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The crab needs to have a day off work because it pulls a mussel.

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What was the crab embarrassed about?
– About the sea weed.

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What do you get if you cross an apple with a shellfish?
– A Crab!

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Life just seems to be two steps sideways then one step back!

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Why does the crab cross the road?
– In fact, it never does that because a crab can only use the sidewalks.

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Why do the lobster and crab never share anything with an octopus?
– Because they both are extremely shellfish.

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Who will send Christmas gifts to minor crabs?
– Santa Claws.

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