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Crab puns in 2025

What is a crabs favourite fruit?
– Crab apples!

Where do crabs sleep?
– In water beds!

I used to look for shellfish at my local beach every day, until one day I pulled a mussel!

What is the easiest seafood that you can cat accidentally?
– Probably crabs!

What can be the best profession for a crab?
– Probably a crab driver.

What is the best job for a crab?
– A crab driver!

Just beclaws I love you.

Do you know how can a crab move around on land?
– It just uses the sidewalk!

just got my solitary crab for companionship or pleasure at my new home.-He named the crab Michelle.

What is the simplest seafood that anyone can eat by accident?
– Maybe crabs.

What kind of helmet does a hermit crab wear?
– A shell-met!

The lobster is one shell of an animal!

A great piece of advice from a hermit crab: “It is okay to come out of your shell and think outside the box.”

Have you any clue about how crabs step around On Land?
– Crabs use the sidewalk.

How do you know when a crab has had too much fizzy drink?
– It starts to walk in a straight line!

What did the wandering crab say when it finally made its way back to the ocean?
– Long time no sea!

Crabs always add a pinch of salt to their meals!

The doctor suggests the overweight crab to start a low-crab diet to improve his health.

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