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Crab puns in 2025

What is the most popular name for a female crab?
– Miss-shell!

I informed my father that there is an image of a crab in my new license. And he told me I should have smiled.

Where do crabs and lobsters save all of their money?
– In a sea bank!

How do crabs leave the hospital?
– On crotches!

Crabs are always drunk because they never walk in a straight line

Holy crab! This is the first time I see a crab walking straight.

What fruit crabs like the most?
– Crab apples.

Why don’t crabs like basketball?
– Because they are afraid of the net!

I’m just crabbing!

How does a crab call his family?
– Use a shell phone.

Why don’t crabs give any gifts on birthdays?
– Because crabs are very shellfish.

Did you hear about the crab that went to the gym?
– He pulled a mussel!

How does a crab go when it’s right?
– Snap!

The crab is telling jokes, but nobody laughs because they are all crabby jokes!”.

The crab with irritable bowel syndrome nests under bakeries because it is probably the simplest place to pinch a loaf.

What type of helmet does a solitary crab use?
– A shell-met.

What would a crab do with a smartphone?
– Take lots of shellfies!

I think you’re clawsome!

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