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Cupcake puns in 2025

Did you hear about the schoolboy who got a dry cupcake in his lunchbox?
– He had a crummy day!

Bake it till you make it.

Some only dream of cupcakes—others bake it happen.

Whenever I talk about you, I sing your praises. Get it? Icing!

This is dough joke.

Keep Calm and Eat a Cupcake

Sprinkling again?

You ain’t seen muffin yet.

Why did the girl insist on slicing her cupcake right down the middle?
– She wanted to halve her cupcake and eat it too!

It’s there until it’s scone.

What did one cupcake say to the other?
– Absolutely muffin!

Whatever frosts your cupcake.

A cookie mistake.

Coffee makes it possible to get out of bed. Cupcakes make it worthwhile.

Some only dream of cupcakes others bake it happen.

Baking… there’s muffin to it.

Why did the football coach throw a cupcake at the opposing team’s player?
– He was icing the kicker!

Just beat it.

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