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Cupcake puns in 2025

Why did the football coach throw a cupcake at the opposing team’s player?
– He was icing the kicker!

Just beat it.

I am so baked right now.

Cupcake it easy.

You’re my butter half.

A meal without Cupcake is like a day without sunshine.

Cupcakes are good for muffin.

You had me at cupcakes.

What kind of treats should you serve at a dog’s birthday party?
– Pupcakes!

I wasn’t born yeast-erday.

What’s up, cupcake? Muffin much.

Bake it happen.

No one stacks up to you.

Cupcakes are Sweet and even Sweeter when Shared

Just a cupcake looking for my stud muffin.

You cupcake me crazy.

What kind of treats should you serve at a bear’s birthday party?
– Cubcakes!

Couldn’t have done it batter myself.

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