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Cupcake puns in 2025

A cookie mistake.

Coffee makes it possible to get out of bed. Cupcakes make it worthwhile.

Some only dream of cupcakes others bake it happen.

Baking… there’s muffin to it.

Why did the football coach throw a cupcake at the opposing team’s player?
– He was icing the kicker!

Just beat it.

I am so baked right now.

Cupcake it easy.

You’re my butter half.

A meal without Cupcake is like a day without sunshine.

Cupcakes are good for muffin.

You had me at cupcakes.

What kind of treats should you serve at a dog’s birthday party?
– Pupcakes!

I wasn’t born yeast-erday.

What’s up, cupcake? Muffin much.

Bake it happen.

No one stacks up to you.

Cupcakes are Sweet and even Sweeter when Shared

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