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Dad puns in 2025

Dad, I think you’re just tee-riffic, dad!

Happy Father’s Day—let’s par-tee.

We enjoy spending time with you, dad.
– You are a fungi.

I’m a lucky duck that you’re my dad

Dad puns, that’s how eye roll.

Dad, I love you for being a  soup-er dad.

Dad puns
– that’s how eye roll.

You’re one in a melon.

I donut know what I’d do without my dad.

It sounds cheesy, but you’re the grate-est.

You’re my favorite parent, and it’s knot even close to a tie (shhh… don’t tell mom!).

Yoda best dad is.

I told my dad how much he means to me.
– It was a pretty big dill.

Lettuce give thanks for you today!

If the world had S’more dads like you, it would be sweet.

Why do dads who golf always take an extra pair of socks?
– In case they get a hole in one!

Your dad yolks crack me up.

You hold the rarest and highest steak in my life, dad.

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