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Dentist puns in 2025

One day a golfer went to the dentist. The dentist checked on her and said “Well miss, you seem to have a hole in one”.

If a kid has 25 candy bars and they eat 22 of them, what do they have? Cavities.

My cavity wasn’t fixed by my regular dentist, but by a guy who was filling in.

Q: What was the dentist doing in Panama?
A: Looking for the Root Canal!

I once heard about a dentist who planted a big garden. A few weeks later he was seen to be picking his teeth.

Never stop a dentist that’s running – they might be in a brush!

A lawyer asked his dentist to give him a retainer.

Q: Why was the man arrested for looking at sets of dentures in a dentist’s window?
A: Because it was against the law to pick your teeth in public.

The dentist couldn’t ask his secretary if she wanted to go out to get some dinner. Probably because he had already been taking out a tooth.

Beware if a dentist asks for a hefty retainer, they might not be talking about a mouthguard!

The dentist’s favorite shopping center is ‘The Gap’.

My dentist had quite a number of good looking clothes. So I wondered where he bought them from. She told me her favorite place to get clothes was The Gap.

What did the dentist say when Tiger Woods came in for an appointment? You have a hole in one.

My dentist would simply not stop working on my teeth. He was abscessive compulsive.

Q: Who has the most dangerous job in Transylvania?
A: Dracula’s dentist

All the dentists and the TSA have one thing in common. It’s the cavity checks.

Depression in dentists is a serious dental illness.

Do dentists of foreign extraction pull teeth rootinely?

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