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Dentist puns in 2024

There was a dentist who was convicted of incisor trading.

Q: What does the dentist of the year get?
A: A little plaque

The other day the computer decided to go to his dentist. It was probably because he had bluetooth.

My dentist put all caps on my teeth. Now I can’t stop shouting!

Dental care in Panama is called a route canal.

Q: What did the tooth say to the departing dentist?
A: Fill me in when you get back

The Pharaoh decided to visit his dentist the other day. That’s because Egypt his tooth.

Dentists love when their patients play Fornite, a great way to get the kids flossing!

The sad dentist looked down in the mouth.

I’m new to this sub and am just looking for some advice.
Just scrolling through has been very helpful, like watching out for a cross bite so they don’t bite themselves or smoothing out the wax try when you’re done to make it look better.
What’s the job switch like?

My dentist doesn’t really like tea. So I just call him Denis. He wasn’t really abcess-ed with it.

I went to my dentist yesterday and she told me that I don’t floss enough. I took her advice and started taking dance classes

I went to the dentist without lunch, and he gave me a plate.

Q: What game did the dentist play when she was a child?
A: Caps and robbers

A judge went to his dentist because he had a damaged tooth and had to get it out. Before the dentist started, the judge said, “Do you swear you’ll pull the tooth, the entire tooth, nothing but the tooth?”

My dentist removed the wrong tooth. It was acci-dental.

For the orthodontist visit, the boy had to brace himself.

Q: What does a dentist do on a roller coaster?
A: He braces himself

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