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Dentist puns in 2025
Q: What did the dentist see at the North Pole?
A: A molar bear
My friend is a dentist. Once we met up and decided to watch a movie. When I asked what his favorite movie was, he said it was “Plaque to the Future”.
What comes between 1st and 3rd in dentistry school?
– 2th!
My dentist seems distracted, I think he was brushing me off.
Once, I was living with a marching band member and I noticed that she used to brush her teeth with a tuba toothpaste.
What did the dentist say to the tooth when he had to leave the room? I’ll fill you in when I get back.
I got a gold filling and put my money where my mouth is.
Q: What did the dentist see at the North Pole?
A: A molar bear
My dentist always frees his schedule on his favorite time of day. When I wanted to know the time, he said it was tooth-hurty.
Dentists make the best witnesses because they always tell the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth.
The dentist’s alibi was full of holes, so the police performed a cavity search.
Q: What was the dentist doing in Panama?
A: Looking for the Root Canal
A guru went to the dentist one day but refused any painkillers. It’s probably because he rather wished to transcend dental medication.
Don’t argue with a dentist, they’ll start getting mouthy!
An orthodontist was found dead, killed with a hatchet. However, no one was arrested as the death was declared axe-idental.
I took my brother to the dentist the other day. When the dentist asked him what type of filling he wanted, he just told the doctor, “Chocolate”.
Which teeth do you need to brush? The ones you want to keep.
Be kind to your dentist because he has fillings too.
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Dentist Puns for Kids
Dentists and dental assistants frequently work with children who are scared or nervous, and will use many different tools to help ease that anxiety to make the visit more comfortable. Jokes and puns are one of the ways that this can be done, and they will also help children to learn more about taking care of their teeth. Funny dentist puns can help to remind them that dentists are just people, and that they can be funny and friendly. The funniest dentist puns will encourage children to engage with the dentists and they are more likely to ask questions and be open to the ideas that are offered to them. Using cute dentist puns will ease the tension and stress and make the entire appointment easier.Schools also use hilarious dentist puns when they are teaching about careers and about caring for the body and teeth during health classes and others. During these classes they are encouraging students to take care of their health and oral hygiene and care is key to maintaining long term health.
Silly dentist puns can be included on posters and signs that are on the walls of schools and dental offices alike. Television shows that are aimed at young children will use dentist puns for kids when explaining what a dentist does and how they care for teeth. Even commercials will use them to show dentist as superheroes for the teeth or to remind people about regular appointments and cleaning.
Dental Office Puns
Along with top dentist puns are dental office puns. These include all of the staff at the dental office and the tools that are used. Silly dental office puns about TVs on the ceiling, free toothbrushes, and more are all funny to people of all ages. The funniest dentist puns will include things around the office as well. Going to a dental office for the first time can be intimidating and those who are unsure about the process, or the tools will find comfort in funny dentist puns.Corny dentist puns may be heard around the office, sharing opinions and different points of view on the procedures that are completed. Short dentist puns can be found as signage around the building or on the different areas, making people feel welcome and comfortable. Staff may use their best dentist puns to lighten the mood and to help the days pass faster. Using humor to deal with stressful situations, difficult patients, and even extensive cleaning that is needed for the office, is a positive way to make it more enjoyable.