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Dentist puns in 2025

I got my job at the dentist’s office by word of mouth.

A dentist with a toothache could have a bad impact on his patients.

A computer went to the dentist one day. He was a little nervous but the doctor consoled him by saying, “don’t worry, it won’t hurt a byte”.

My dentist has a TV in the exam room. I go there to Netflix and drill.

Dentists have their own flossify on how to keep teeth clean.

Q: What did the tooth say to the departing dentist?
A: Fill me in when you get back

My favorite ever is a plaque hanging on the wall that says ‘This could have been prevented by brushing.’

My dentist said that he had two ways of knocking me out before starting his work. He could do it with some gas, or he would have to use some big metallic rock. I just told him, “Ether/ore”.

‘May the floss be with you!’ – Lick Skytalker

Dentists on death fill their last cavity.

I’ve been going to the dentist since I was a kid. I just know the drill by now.

My dentist has hung a TV on his office ceiling so that his patients would watch shows while he worked. He’s been calling it Netflix and Drill.

A dentist and a manicurist fought tooth and nail.

A dentist named Dr. Howie McCavity always quit work at tooth-hurtie.

My dentist has a picture of her favorite animal on her desk. It’s the picture of a molar bear.

In Panama, dental care is called a route canal.

The dentist put braces on his patient as a stop-gap measure.

Q: At what time do most people go to the dentist?
A: At tooth-hurty (2:30).

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