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Dinosaur puns in 2025

Why was the dinosaur feeling self-conscious around his wife?
-He has reptile dysfunction.

What do you call a T.Rex who can’t accept defeat?
-A saur loser.

What do you call a polite Dinosaur?
-A Pleaseyosaur

What do you call a dinosaur fart?
-An exstinktion!

What is the scariest type of dinosaur?
-A Terror-dactyl.

Sticks out like a saur thumb.

Why does this guy dinosaur have a thing for girl dinosaurs that are on the thicker side?
-Because he likes them to be curvaceous.

What do you say when a dinosaur crashes its car?
-Tyrannosaurus wrecks!

Why did the Archaeopteryx catch the worm?
-Because it was an early bird.

Here is your dinosaur toy! Would you like it gift raptor not?

What do you call a dinosaur who sports a cowboy hat and boots?
-Tyrannosaurus Tex.

Can you do it?
-You bet Jurassican.

What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with fireworks?

What do you call a dinosaur who’s a noisy sleeper?
-A Tyranno-snorus!

Why are dinosaurs never overweight?
-They’re surrounded by scales.

I’ve got a bone to pick with you.

Why did the dinosaur have a need to sip on gingerale?
-He was very nauceous

What do you call a spooky dinosaur?
-A terror-adactyl!

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