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Dog puns in 2025

My dog never stands up for herself. She just rolls over.

Those dogs were a bunch of litter pugs!

He said his dog ran 10 miles to get the ball. That seems a bit far fetched.

When my dog starts itching, it really ticks me off.

It was hard to fur-give him after that.

I like big mutts and I cannot lie.

Don’t stop retrieving. Hold on to that feline.

What does the dog eat at the movies?
– Pupcorn!

Going camping?
– Make sure you have a pup tent.

That dog was so cold, he was a pup-sicle!

When the dog realized what was happening, he flea’d the scene.

The dog preyed on the neighborhood cats because it was a holy terrier.

He rode the pug boat across the water.

The dog was pup and running in no time.

What did the polite dog say? Thanks fur everything!

When a problem comes along, you must Whippet.

When traveling, always make sure to pack a doggie bag for your pup.

The dog was mad he threw the ball so far because it was pretty far-fetched.

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