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Dog puns in 2025

Where do dogs go after their tails fall off? The re-tail store.

The pugkin latte is my dog’s favorite drink in the fall.

I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. One of my canines is loose.

You have to be careful after it rains cats and dogs and make sure you don’t step in a Poodle.

Trying to train my dog was a Mastiff waste of time.

The dog’s breakfast was pure bread.
– he sure loved his carbs!

The dog is from Colliefornia.

The dog has been going through a rough pooch lately.

 He’s not fat. He’s just a little husky.

I wanted to see dogs at the zoo, but they didn’t have any.
– It was a Shiz-Tzu.

The dog is so cute and tiny, it Beagles my mind!

 I hope my Lab reports come back okay.

The dog was so smart it majored in bark-eology.

Don’t bite the hound that feeds you.

Anything is paw-sible when you have a dog.

What’s your dog’s favorite Pink Floyd album?
– Bark Side of the Moon.

The dog barked all night without any paws.

That was certainly a tall tail he told.

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