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Dog puns in 2025

He always has to follow the rules.
– He’s so dog-matic!

 All food must go to the Lab for testing.

When you’re on a boat with your dog, always bring a doggie paddle.

The dog was so strong and powerful, we called him “Labrathor.”

The Dalmatian hid from people because he didn’t want to be spotted.

When the dog went to the flea circus, he stole the show.

The dogs were having so much fun, it looked like they were raising the roof.

The dog was extra loud with its subwoofer.

Great Dane lovers are sure obsessed with tall tails.

That dog is so noisy. Howl it stay quiet when you’re gone?

I had completely fur-gotten to brush his coat.

What do you call a dog magician? A Labracadabrador.

What does a dog like to eat for breakfast? Woofles.

He has to constantly call her to check in. She has him on a short leash.

It’s raining cats and dogs. That’s fine, as long as it doesn’t reindeer.

The squirrel in the backyard made the dog go mutts.

What kind of dog does Dracula have? A bloodhound!

We just got pawsession of a new dog.

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