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Dragon puns in 2025

What was the dragon doing on the motorway?
– About 30 miles per hour.

Why do dwarves hunt dragons in the morning?
– Because the early beard gets the worm

History is a lot like Imagine Dragons…
– It’s repetitive, never really good, and somehow only getting worse.

Which hockey team do dragons support?
– The Red Wings.

How do you get four dragons into a car?
– Two in the front, two in the back.

I am thinking about opening a dungeons and dragons themed vacation rental…
– I’m going to call it Air D&D

How do you kill the ender dragon?-
– You ender

What’s the difference between a dragon and a piece of paper?
– Well, you can’t make a paper aeroplane out of a dragon, that’s for sure.

What does a dragon like to eat at a restaurant?
– Hot wings.

What happens when you try to crossbreed a turtle and a dragon?
– You get a crushed turtle.

A leprechaun, a walking tree, and a dragon walk into a bar
– I should quit drinking

How can you tell how much a dragon weighs?
– Well, they come with scales.

These conversational dragon jokes will have the kids giggling all day.

Why are dragons so amazing at making music?
– They really know their scales.

Why were dragons called rappers during ancient times?
– Because they used to spit fire.

Why did the pre-pubescent dragon lose the rap battle?
– He couldn’t yet spit hot fire.

How do dragon-type Pokemon solve their disputes?-
– They let bagons be bagons

What time is it when a dragon decides to sit on your car?
– Time to get a new car!

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