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Dragon puns in 2025

Why do interns make the best Dungeons and Dragons players?
– They do it for the experience.

What’s the difference between Santa Clause and a knight?
– One slays a dragon, the other drags a sleigh!

What will eat more than a dragon?
– Two dragons.

What ritual do dragons perform right before big games?
– They get fired up.

Why can’t dragons play ice hockey?
– If they breathe fire, the ice melts.

What happens when a dragon gets bored of strip steaks?
– Flaming Yawn

Why are dragons such good story tellers?-
– Because they have long tails

Why was the dragon wearing green sneakers?
– Her red ones were in the wash.

What happens if you kiss a dragon?
– You get burnt lips.

What ritual do dragons perform right before big games?
– They get fired up.

Why do dragons never finish anything on time?
– bc they like to drag on and on.

My girlfriend smokes a lot, i call her the Dragon-
– Because she doesn’t exist

Why do dragons make such good knock knock jokes?
– Read on to find out!

What’s a hungry dragon’s favorite day of the week?
– Chewsday.

What’s the difference between Hanukkah and dragons?
– One is eight nights while the other ate knights.

Why are dragons such good storytellers?
Because they have long tails

My dragon is asleep
– He’s dragoff.

What happens if you kiss a dragon?
– You get burnt lips.

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