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Dragon puns in 2025

What sounds do you hear when dragons decide to use black pepper?
– The sounds of a fire alarm.

What did the dragon say after receiving a gift for his birthday?
– Fangs a lot!

What does a dragon eat for a snack?
– Firecrackers

Why do dragons like knights?
– They come with their own pans.

Why don’t you want to listen to a dragon’s story?
– Because they tend to drag-on

I asked my karate instructor if I’d ever be able to do a dragon punch.
– He said, “Suuuureyoucan!”

What do you call a dragon at the North Pole?
– Lost and surrounded by ice

What’s the difference between a car and a dragon?
– A car only has one horn.

How many Super Saiyans does it take to change a lightbulb?

How do you synthesize/summarise Dragon Ball into one word?

Why are dragons so amazing at making music?
– They really know their scales.

Thumping who?
– Thumping tells me there’s a dragon on the loose.

My dragon is asleep. He’s dragoff.

Which side of a dragon has the most scales?
– The outside!

Have you ever seen a baby dragon eating ice cream?
– It’ll melt your heart.

What happens when you try to crossbreed a turtle and a dragon?-
– You get a crushed turtle.

What does a dragon like to eat at a restaurant?
– Hot wings.

What is a dragon’s favourite European food?
– Swiss Charred.

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