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Dragon puns in 2024

How do dragons make holiday plans?
– They don’t, they just wing it.

What do you call Dragon with no silver?
– A dron

The birthday dragon tried to blow the candles for the 254th time.
– Btw the party was on fire. We had a blast.

Why do interns make the best Dungeons and Dragons players?-
– They do it for the Experience.

Why are dragons so wrinkled? Well, have you ever tried to iron one?

Why did the dinosaurs live longer than the dragons?
– Because they didn’t smoke.

I want to make a really long, bad lizard joke… But I don’t want to let it dragon.

What did the komodo dragon mumma say to her hatchling?
– You were a snaccident!

Why can’t dragons ever play ice hockey?
– They always melt the ice before the game is even over.

Who doesn’t love some good dragon puns?
– These puns about dragons are the perfect jokes to lift the mood, any time of the day.

I want to make a really long, bad lizard joke… But I don’t want to let it dragon.

What has four legs, four wings, and a tail?
– A dragon with spare parts.

Why are dragons so good at rapping?
– Because they are spitting fire

How do you get dragon milk?-
– Find a cow with no back legs

Which side of a dragon has the most scales?
– The outside!

Why did the chef feed the dragon spicy salsa?
– She needed to barbeque some chicken.

Why did the dragon breathe on a map of the earth?
– Because he wanted to set the world on fire.

Why do dragons sleep all day?
– So they can fight knights!

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