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Egg puns in 2025

The mother egg will only go to the supermarket if she can use the eggs-press lane.

 That reckless little egg always seems to egg-celerate when he sees the light turn yellow.

Don’t yolk with me

This one is a little over easy.

In order to drop eggs seven feet without damage, just drop it eight feet and those first seven feet it will remain unbroken.

Are you egg-noring me?

The devil made us do it.

Whenever the chicken can sneak off to Starbucks he always orders a piping hot eggspresso.

I might whisk it! Whisk it good!

One superpower we don’t want.

The funny thing about confused chickens is that they will always lay scrambled eggs.

Don’t you like my egg-cellent jokes?


Teriyolki tofu

A hen will always leave her house through the proper eggs-it.

Bad chickens are not allowed inside the hen house because they always lay deviled eggs.

You’re poaching my best yolks

Under the doctor’s advice, the hen is laying off eggs for a few weeks.

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