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Electricity puns in 2025

Everyone knows how optimistic I can be especially with innovative ideas. However, on his one, I am negative. The wiring of the whole thing is so con-fusing.

Which car brand do most electricians purchase? – Volts-wagen.

A series of strategic power moves.

“What kind of car does an electrician drive? A Volts-wagon.”

“Electric razors are the best thing since sliced beard.”

“I’m hung like a Foucault pendulum.”

We learned about the Great Wire Of London in school today.

Electricians find it easy to shop for cars, they just go to Volts-wagen

How do the students feel when the power goes at school?

Why did the electrician marry his neighbor?

“If you plant a light bulb in your garden, does it grow into a power plant?”

“What football team do energy providers root for the most? The Chargers”

“My tight-fisted neighbor doesn’t want to pay for an electrician to re-wire his house, so he’s going to try and do it himself. ‘How hard can it be?’ he said. I think he’s in for a shock.”

Wire you asking me, I don’t know watts going on.

One day the electrician arrived home very late, his bold wife asked him, “darling, wire you insulate”.

No electrical equipment comes free of charge.

“The superconductor left without resistance.”

“What would you call a power failure? A current event.”

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