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Elephant puns in 2025

Q. Why doesn’t the elephant use the computer?
– A. Because it is afraid of the mouse!

What do you call an elephant with an extra-long trunk?
– Smellephant.

What do you call a flying elephant?
– A jumbo jet.

How do you stop an elephant from charging?
– Take away his credit card!

Q. What does Tarzan say when he sees a herd of elephants?
– A. “Look, a herd of elephants!”

Q. Why couldn’t the elephant move?
– A. Because he couldn’t lift his trunk!

How can you tell that elephants are always ready for an adventure?
– They’ve always got their trunks ready to go.

Q: What do you call an elephant that never showers?
– A: A smellyphant!

What’s an elephant’s favorite musical?
– The Elephant-om of the Opera.

Did you know that an elephant‘s opinion carries a lot of weight!

Q. What do you get when you cross an elephant with a parrot?
– A. An animal that tells you everything it remembers!

What’s the same size and shape as an elephant but weighs nothing?
– An elephant’s shadow.

Why did the elephant start the stampede?
– Because it wanted to be herd!

What’s grey, wears glass slippers and ran away from the ball?
– Cinder-elephant!

Q. What did the elephant say to her son when he was naughty?
– A. “Tusk tusk!”

Q. What did the elephant do when he hurt his toe?
– A. He called a tow truck.

What do you get when you cross an elephant with a kangaroo?
– Great big holes all over Australia.

Who do elephants get their Christmas presents from?
– Elephanta Claus.

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