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Elephant puns in 2024

Q. How do you eat an elephant?
– A. One bite at a time.

What do you call elephants who ride on trains?
– Passengers.

Q: What do you call en elephant with an extra long nose?
– A: Smellephant.

What do elephants do at night?
– Watch ‘elevision.

Hunting elephants is illegal – as ivory well know!

Q. Why do elephants have trunks?
– A. Because they would look funny with a suitcase.

What do you get when an elephant skydives?
– A big hole.

What do you call an elephant that’s never clean?
– A smelly-phant!

Why did the elephant start a stampede?
– Because he wanted to be herd!

Q. Why did the elephant paint his fingernails red?
– A. So he could hide in a bowl of cherries.

Q. How do you hunt for elephants?
– A. Hide in a bush and make a noise like a peanut.

Why can’t an elephant ride a bicycle?
– Because he doesn’t have thumbs to ring the bell.

It’s OK to watch an elephant bathe as they usually have their trunks on.

What do you get when you cross elephants with fish?
– Swimming trunks!

Q. What do you call an elephant in a phone booth?
– A. Stuck!

Q. What do you call an elephant at the North Pole?
– A. Lost.

What game should you never play with an elephant?
– Squash.

Q: What do you call an unimportant elephant?
– A: Irrelephant.

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