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Elf puns in 2025

What do elves get instead of athlete’s foot?
– Mistle toe!

Why the elf became sad?
– Because it was suffering from low elf-esteem.

For what reason do the names of the elves not begin with an “S”?
– Since that will be selfish.

What do you call an elf that doesn’t sing?
– A wrapper.

What would you call an elf with lots of money?
– W-elfy!

An elf leaving the North Pole will be called a rebel without any Claus.

What kind of music do elfs listen to
– Wrap music

What do you call an elf who is walking backwards?
– A Fle!

Santa is known to file in his tax return in the month of January since he happens to be elf employed.

What is the tax status of Santa?
– Elf-employed.

What do you call an elf with no Legos on Christmas?
– Legolas

What music do elves like best? Wrap music!

What are elves’ favourite animals?
– Elf-e-phants!

An elf who is in the habit of telling silly jokes will be called a genuine Christmas card.

The singing elves of Santa are known as Wrappers.

The elf-a-bet happens to be the thing studied by the elves in school.

What do you call a female elf made of Lego?
– Legolass

Knock knock

Who’s there?


Elf who?

Elf I knock again will you let me in please?

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