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Farm puns in 2025

The cows are jumping over the moon before the farmer has cold hands.

A good gardener will never miss a beet.

Grain farmers have a tough life. They barley survive from wheat to wheat.

The farmer often feeds his pigs vinegar and sugar because he wants to have sour and sweet pork.

I’ve fallen out with my local farmer. I made plans with him but he baled. It was the final straw.

I do not know that farmers also raise cows in the Arctic. They are called eski-mooes.

I know a farmer who only works from May to September. He says he likes to make hay while the sun shines.

All that the farmer can get from a pampered cow is spoiled milk.

The neurotic pig says to the farmer: “You should not take me for grunted!”

Cows are the perfect audience to tell jokes to; they are really easy to a-moo-se.

The horse on my farm loves playing stable tennis.

A cow’s favourite meal of the day is breakfast. They always have moo-esli.

The organic veggies die of natural causes.

You should never take a pig for grunted.

The best thing about farming is that you can get down and become dirty with your hoes.

When I ask a farmer whether it is simple to milk cows,
– he replies: “Obviously, any jerk would do it easily!”

I tried to find my way through the farmer’s field but it was a maize.

The baby strawberry is crying hard because its papa and mama are standing in a jam.

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