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Farm puns in 2025

Scarecrows love fruit, especially straw-berries.

Grain farmers have a tough life. They barley survive from wheat to wheat.

Pigs also know how to do karate. They are called pork chops!

It was 2am and the farmer still hadn’t gone to bed. He likes to wait until the cows come home.

A cattle with a sense of humour is also called laughing stock.

When we cross an irritated sheep and an angry cow, we have an animal in a baaaad mooood.

You will never shock a cow with anything you tell them; they’ve herd it all.

The bankrupt farmer cannot complain because he has no beef.

Farming is in our nature.

I tried to navigate the farmer’s field…But it was a maize.

The most favourite fruit of a scarecrow must be straw-berries.

The farm animal that is the best timekeeper is a watch dog.

A farmer finds his lost cow by tractoring down.

It annoys me how farmers always have to put their gates in the muddiest part of the field

I knew a scarecrow who won the Nobel Prize; he was out standing in his field.

The pig decides to dump his girlfriend because she is a rear boar!

When farmers are milking cows they talk about udder nonsense.

ou should never tell your secret on the farm because those corns have ears and potatoes have eyes.

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