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Fathers day puns in 2025

“Our family would be muffin without you.”

Why do vampires always seem sick?
– They’re coffin.

“Your dad yolks crack me up.”

I really love you with every pizza my heart, Dad.

You’re so spec-taco-lar, Dad!

“Have a beer-y happy Father’s Day.”

Can February March?
– No, but April May!

“Happy Fathers Day — don’t worry, be hoppy.”

I’m very happy to be y-orchid.

Dad, your love for us is un-beet-able.

I think you’re punderful.

I was going to tell a time-traveling joke, but you didn’t like it.

“If the world had S’MORE dads like you it would be sweet.”

Please do remember that I whale always love you, Dad.

Dad, thank you for always bacon me happy.

“As a grill master and dad, you’re a rare find.”

What musical instrument do you find in the bathroom?
– A tuba toothpaste!

“I’m nacho average dad.”

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