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Fathers day puns in 2025

Did you hear the rumor about butter?
– Well, I’m not going to go spreading it!

“It’s knot a tie—you’re my favorite!”

“Happy Father’s Day to a reel awesome dad.”

It’s finally o-fish-cial, you are the greatest dad!

“It sounds cheesy, but you’re the grate-est.”

What did the buffalo say to its son when he left?
– Bison!

“You’re one in a melon.”

Dad, I could never ever wine about you.

Dad, you certainly hold the rarest and highest steak in my life.

“I could never wine about you, Dad.”

Stop looking for the perfect match;
– use a lighter.

“I think you’re a pretty big dill, Dad.”

Congratulations! You have been koalified to be called the best father.

Sometimes, you can be a real pizza work but I still love you, dad.

I know this is cheesy but you’re a grate dad.

What did the plumber say to the singer?
– Nice pipes.

“Father, I am your daughter.”

“I’m a lucky duck that you’re my dad.”

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