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Fire puns in 2025

Did you hear the was a fire at a used furniture store and two people died next door?
– It was due the second hand smoke

Be careful not to catch a coal.

He had to get all fired up before carrying out the gunpowder plot.

It’s lit.

What do you call a child on fire at a steakhouse?
-Flaming young

 I have a burning question.

Get to the back of the barbe-queue.

Mom told son to clean his room. But instead, he set it on fire…
-It was a hot mess

 How ironic! I got fired as a firefighter.

A prehistoric pyrotechnic is called a dino-myte.

I dropped my steak into the fire.
-Well done, me, well done.

 It’s anybody’s gas what Toby’s up to.

Trying to blow up the houses of parliament is how he got flamous.

Did you hear about the fire at the circus?
-It was InTents.

If H2O is inside a fire hydrant, what is on the outside?

I lava good fire pun!

 This firefighter’s favourite cake is one with a caramel blaze.

My grand father always said “fight Fire with Fire”.
-He was a great man but a terrible Fireman

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