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Fire puns in 2025

Romeo and Juliet found each other through matchual attraction!

My grand father always said “fight Fire with Fire”.
-He was a great man but a terrible Fireman

What gas around comes around.

The gunpowder plot was a red-hot s-candle.

What do you call an ‘O’ on fire?

Dad is so mad, he’s fuming!

 I’ll be up cooking all ig-night.

Boss said he’d fire me if I made any more country puns
-It was the end of my Korea

I was going to try walking on hot burning coals but I got cold feet.

We’ve got to furnace the new apartment.

 Vulcan is up in the hall of flame for being the god of fire.

I have this temptation of setting my old trousers on fire but again I am one person who doesn’t like burning my britches.

I’ve got some humungas fuel for the fire.

Guy Fawkes wasn’t so bad, from my persparktive.

My fire tonight…
-Was lit!

I’m going to stay up all ignight.

ast year’s Christmas dinner was a monst-roast-ity!

What did the beaver say when it saw it’s home on fire?
-Hot Dam!

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