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Fire puns in 2025

Be careful not to catch a coal.

He had to get all fired up before carrying out the gunpowder plot.

Did you hear the was a fire at a used furniture store and two people died next door?
– It was due the second hand smoke

 I have a burning question.

Get to the back of the barbe-queue.

It’s lit.

What do you call a child on fire at a steakhouse?
-Flaming young

 How ironic! I got fired as a firefighter.

A prehistoric pyrotechnic is called a dino-myte.

Mom told son to clean his room. But instead, he set it on fire…
-It was a hot mess

 It’s anybody’s gas what Toby’s up to.

Trying to blow up the houses of parliament is how he got flamous.

I dropped my steak into the fire.
-Well done, me, well done.

I lava good fire pun!

 This firefighter’s favourite cake is one with a caramel blaze.

Did you hear about the fire at the circus?
-It was InTents.

If H2O is inside a fire hydrant, what is on the outside?

My dog is my favourite firery friend.

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