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Flamingo puns in 2025

What is a pink bird’s favorite dance?
– Flamin-tango.

What do birds do for fun on weekends?
– Play fla-bingo.

“Floating into summer on my flamingo.”

When my mom told me to stop acting like a flamingo
– I had to put my foot down.

Yesterday, my wife finally told me I had to stop acting like a flamingo.
– Reluctantly, I had to put my foot down.

Why couldn’t anyone see the flamingo?
– It was in de skies.

Which Australian bird is pink?
– The Fla-dingo.

“Hello summer, let’s flamingle.”

I wore a pink t-shirt out the other night and my girlfriend said I looked like a Flamingo..
– So I had to put my foot down.

A dead flamingo…
– would be called a flaminstop

Why do flamingos fly south in winter?
– Because it would be too far to walk.

Do you know why flamingos lift up one leg when sleeping?
– Because if they lifted both legs they’d fall

“Mermaid kisses and flamingo wishes.”

If you tell me to stop acting like a Flamingo one more time…
…I’m going to have to put my foot down.

What is a flamingo’s favorite thing to do at the weekend?
– Play fla-bingo.

Why did the crocodile cross the road?
– To eat the flamingo.

“This float is so flocking fabulous.”

Why do flamingos stand on one leg?
– Because otherwise they would be sitting.

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