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Fox puns in 2025

What’s a fox’s favorite beverage?
– A fur-appuccino!

What is a fox’s favorite dairy product?
– Furmented yogurt.

What is a fox’s favorite programming language?
– Furtran.

Why did the fox cross the highway?
– To prove to the possum that it could be done!

What did the carpenter fox tell his apprentice. Hit the tail on the head!

Plain tailing.

What does the Doctor Who of foxes use to travel?
– His police fox.

Did you hear about the fox that beat the cheetah in the boxing match?
– It was a furnomenal victory!

Why was the fox sad?
– Because he didn’t know what his furpose in life was.

“Are you a fox?” The man asked.

“Yes.” Replied the fox.

“Why are you at a movie?” The man asked quizzically.

“Well, I liked the book.” The fox replied.

Where do foxes farm?
– On Fur-msteads!

Wow, that’s a tail order.

Why was the fox angry at being underappreciated?
– Because it didn’t like being taken fur granted.

Why was the fox tired of his friend?
– Because he kept him waiting fur so long!

Why did the cub take an umbrella to school?
– Because he had seen the weather furcast saying it was going to rain.

Why couldn’t the fox get his plants to grow?
– Because the soil wasn’t fur-tile enough!

Tip the tails in your favour.

What did the fox’s employer do when he asked for a leave of absence?
– He was fur-loughed.

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