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Fox puns in 2025

Tails of the unexpected.

What do you do if you find an injured fox?
– Give it furs-taid.

What did the grape do when the fox stepped on it?
– It just let out a small vine.

What was the fox cub’s favorite Pokemon?
– Furfetch’d!

Where do foxes buy their tails?
– At re-tail stores!

What do you call a fox that needs glasses?
– Fur-sighted!

Live to tell the tail.

How did the rooster see through the fox’s plans to eat him?
– The fox kept giving out tail-tale signs.

How do foxes travel?
– Furst Class.

What does a fox call a rabbit?
– Fast food!

What do foxes do with toilet paper?
– They flush it down the tail-et!

Think outside the fox.

Why did the fox cross the road?
– To hunt the chicken.

What did the fox say after hearing the fantastic news?
– “Are you fur real?”

Why was the fox hired at the farm?
– Because he would make for a good furmworker!

What do you say when fox fur gets mixed in with the rain?
– It’s raining cats and foxes!

What did the farmer fox use to make his crops grow faster?
– Fur-tilizer!

I’ve left you a voice-tail message.

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