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Fox puns in 2025

Why was the fox always on edge?
– Because he was furanoid.

A man went to a movie, and realized that he was sitting next to a fox.

What did the smitten fox say to his girlfriend?
– I’ll love you fur-ever!

Pandora’s Fox.

What happened to the movie about foxes?
– It bombed at the fox office.

Where do vixen’s keep their money?
– In their furse.

Why was the fox worried about her missing cub?
– Because he had strayed fur away from home!

What’s a fox’s favorite beverage?
– A fur-appuccino!

Tail close to the wind.

Why did the fox go to the car dealer?
– Fur a lease.

What is a fox’s favorite programming language?
– Furtran.

Why did the fox cross the highway?
– To prove to the possum that it could be done!

What did the carpenter fox tell his apprentice. Hit the tail on the head!

What is a fox’s favorite dairy product?
– Furmented yogurt.

Did you hear about the fox that beat the cheetah in the boxing match?
– It was a furnomenal victory!

Why was the fox sad?
– Because he didn’t know what his furpose in life was.

“Are you a fox?” The man asked.

“Yes.” Replied the fox.

“Why are you at a movie?” The man asked quizzically.

“Well, I liked the book.” The fox replied.

Where do foxes farm?
– On Fur-msteads!

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