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Fox puns in 2025

Smooth tailing.

Why do foxes have a winter coat?
– Because they’d look silly in sweaters!

Why were the fox’s crops not growing?
– Because the land wasn’t fur-tile enough.

What was the cub’s favorite phone game?
– Furmville!

What do you call a fox who leads an expedition?
– A tail-blazer!

You hit the tail on the head.

What did the fox tell the rabbit who kept running around teasing him?
– “You’re asking fur trouble!”

What did the fox get for his birthday?
– A gift fox set!

Why did the fox cross the road?
– To chase the chicken!

What did the artist fox say as he was painting a portrait?
– Every picture has a story to tail!

Pandora’s Fox.

What happened to the movie about foxes?
– It bombed at the fox office.

Where do foxes keep their savings?
– In a safety fox!

Why was the fox always on edge?
– Because he was furanoid.

A man went to a movie, and realized that he was sitting next to a fox.

What did the smitten fox say to his girlfriend?
– I’ll love you fur-ever!

Tail close to the wind.

Why did the fox go to the car dealer?
– Fur a lease.

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