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Fox puns in 2025

“Are you a fox?” The man asked.

“Yes.” Replied the fox.

“Why are you at a movie?” The man asked quizzically.

“Well, I liked the book.” The fox replied.

Where do foxes farm?
– On Fur-msteads!

Wow, that’s a tail order.

Why was the fox angry at being underappreciated?
– Because it didn’t like being taken fur granted.

Why was the fox tired of his friend?
– Because he kept him waiting fur so long!

Why did the cub take an umbrella to school?
– Because he had seen the weather furcast saying it was going to rain.

Why couldn’t the fox get his plants to grow?
– Because the soil wasn’t fur-tile enough!

Tip the tails in your favour.

What did the fox’s employer do when he asked for a leave of absence?
– He was fur-loughed.

Where does a farmer fox live?
– In a furmstead!

Why did it take so long for the artist to finish his fox sketch?
– Because he was paying too much attention to de-tail!

What did the optimistic fox say?
– Always move fur-wards, never backwards!

You’re a real tail-blazer!

What do you call it when fox fur is mixed with rain?
– Raining cats and fox.

Why did the fox run in the elections?
– Because he felt he could make a diffurence!

Why did the fox close the door in the face of the government employees?
– Because he was in no mood for furveys!

Can I borrow your cellphone?
– I need to call animal control… because you’re a fox!

What was the fox’s favorite book?
– Animal Furm!

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