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Friendship puns in 2025

I am always able to bee myself in your absence.

A day spent with my bestie is always a good day.

Your favorite duo.

We’re like monkeys — we love hanging with each other.”

They are mint to be one of the best buddies.

I informed my son regarding the most effective vitamin for friendship and it happened to be B-1.

Friends are like rainbows. They’re always there after the storm.

You’re a koala-ty friend.

Orange you glad we’re friends?

We happen to be the 3 egg-migos.

When I say I’ll keep a secret, just know that promise doesn’t include my best friend.

Friends pick us up when we fall down, and if they can’t pick us up, they lie down and listen for a while

“We are best teas for life.”

I can always bee myself around you.

We had been mermaid to remain as buddies for eternity.

Life is better with friends.

More days like these with this one, please!

“Thanks for always pudding up with me.”

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