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Friendship puns in 2024

This is nacho average best friend.

I would have been muffin in your absence.

A best friend never gets tired of taking photos until she gets the best shot!

Real friends don’t care if your room is clean.

“She’s my otter half.”

Friendship will always go onion and on.

The most effective vitamin for true friendship happens to be B1.

As long as my bestie likes me, that’s all that matters.

Olive you!

Don’t go bacon my heart. I couldn’t if I fried.

You happen to be a fantastic buddy.

Best friends never ask if they can raid your refrigerator, they just go right in.

Nobody loves me like my bestie.

You are cereal-sly the best

Udon understand how much I need you.

Nothing is off limits for my bestie, well maybe that last cupcake!

Real queens fix each other’s crowns.

“You’re a koalaty friend.”

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