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Frog puns in 2024

What is a frog’s favourite sport?

I’ve frogotten all the lyrics!

I see McDonald’s has brought frogs’ favorite sandwich back.
-The McRibbit.

What do frogs drink?
– Croaka-cola.

I toad you kids to get off my lawn!

What happens to a frogs car when it breaks down?
-It gets toad away

You’re toad-ally cool.

What is a frog’s favourite sweet?
-A lollihop.

What’s a frog’s favorite drug?
– Croakaine.

What’s green with red spots?
-A frog with the chicken pox.

My frogetfulness is the reason I was fired.

My son’s pet frog broke his leg yesterday
-He was very unhoppy

Why did the tadpole feel lonely?
– Because he was newt to the area.

I prefer open-toad shoes

What is a frogs favourite soda
-Croak-a cola

Interesting puns, but none of them were ribbiting.

What does a frog order at a restaurant?
-French flies and a diet croak.

There is a species of frog that can jump higher than a 3 story house
– This is due to the frog’s incredibly strong hind legs, and the fact that a house can’t jump.

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