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Frog puns in 2025

There is a species of frog that can jump higher than a 3 story house
– This is due to the frog’s incredibly strong hind legs, and the fact that a house can’t jump.

Why did the frog read Sherlock Holmes?
-He liked a good croak and dagger story.

Can I have your frogiveness?

What does a frog in Paris eat ?
-French flies.

What do Scottish frogs play?

Toaday is the big day!

What music do frogs listen to?
-Hip hop

Frog parking only.
-All others will be toad.

Waiter, waiter, do you have frog legs?
-No, I always walk this way.

What do you call a talking frog?
– A quantum leap.

What do you get if you cross a frog with some mist?
-Kermit the Fog.

Oh, I frograve you for that a long time ago!

If frogs are from Greenland then…….
-……. Sharks are from Finland.

What do you call a frog spy?
– A croak and dagger agent.

Toaddlers are so cute! Always toaddling about and falling over.

Some people say its crazy for a frog to be in love with a pig…
-..but it just requires a bit of kermitment

What do frogs do with paper?

What do you call a frog hanging over your head at Christmas?

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