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Fruit puns in 2025

The fruits could not manage to get pear-mission for their participation in the school dance competition.

The apple said that he had got a tattoo out of pear-pressure.

The lemons had organized a game for their kids, it was, “Find the treasure zest.”

The guests were invited to a melon party and they were given the premium fruits to rest in the hotel.

The apples were feeling lonely because the banana split.

The apples made a piece of jewelry out of peaches and called them nectarines.

The guilty banana wanted to get an a-peel to get out of the law suit.

The apple and its skin were partners in crime, the skin told the fruit, “I’ve got you covered.

When the dips were all eaten up, the host realized he reached the guac bottom.

The plum was told that his booking was canceled at the hotel after reaching there, and he went bananas.

The teacher tried to stop the quarrel among the oranges, said it was not that fig of a deal.

The lemons were not happy to go back to the daily rind after the vacation.

The favorite fruit of a vampire is a neck-tarine.

The famous king among the fruit community was Alexander the Grape.

 The peach boss a-peach-iate-d the orange-inal ideas from his employees.

After a meeting between the apples and oranges regarding their annual fair, the head of apples said, “It was a fruitful discussion.”

The orange police officer said to the detectives in the crime scene to get to the fruit of the matter.

The short-tempered apple is called a crab- apple.

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