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Garden puns in 2025

Your good weed for the day

How do trees calculate a square root?
– They use a log-arithm.

I’ll never leaf you.

Why did the apricot ask a prune to dinner?
– Because he couldn’t find a date.

Pretty fly for a cacti.

In the eyes of the lawn

Have you botany plants lately?

Do you need some encourage-mint?

It’s a little bit rad, but not totally rad. It’s only rad-ish.

Schwarzenegger retired from TV to kill bugs. Now he’s an ex-terminator.

All dressed up and nowhere to grow

I wasn’t all that interested in gardening, but I planted a few seeds, and it grew on me.

Do you have the thyme?
– I need to get somewhere around tree o’clock.

How much room should you give fungi to grow?
– As mushroom as possible.

Aloe you vera much.

“Cut it out!” said the Jack-o-Lantern.

Just the thicket

What vegetable is always cold?
– A chilli.

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