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Garden puns in 2025

Why do gardeners plant bulbs?
– So the worms can see where they’re going.

You grow girl!

You make my heart skip a beet.

Let’s stick together.

One trick peony

She didn’t date the gardener. He was too rough around the hedges.

We’re mint to be.

Onions make me sad. A lot of people don’t realize that.

The farmer had such a bad headache he had to retire. He was sick of his grains.

You parsley the test

Sherlock Holmes was doing some gardening, Watson asked what he was planting. He replied “A lemon tree, my dear Watson”.

My leaf blower doesn’t work. It just sucks!

When does a farmer dance?
– When he drops the beet.

I’m ready to take it from “cacti” to “cactus.”

Berry the hatchet

Gardening question: Does anyone know a good place where I can buy a fern?
– Asking for a frond.

Pot it like it’s hot.

I got arrested at the Farmers Market. I was disturbing the peas.

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