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Geology puns in 2025

You know the old saying—igneous is bliss.

Always name your WiFi “Yellowstone”

What do you do with dead geologists?You barium.

I’ve had a rough day, but I don’t want to chalk about it.

Lava-t first sight

There are definitely a few gems amongst all these
terrible rock puns.

Not to quarry—you’ll do great on your science exam!

I’m not really hungry—I’ve lost my apatite.

Hung like a horst

It’s a hard rock life for us.

Crater than the sum of its parts

All geology puns really rock.

Did you see the geologist towing a crate of rocks behind
his car? He had a wide lode sign.

Star-crossed lavas

Let’s rock and roll!

I’m coal as a cucumber!

You didn’t think these were good puns? Of quartz they

A dark horst

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